Published onMarch 13, 2017How to use a CakePHP API as the data backend for Ember in 30 minutescakephpemberapijsonapi
Published onMarch 12, 2017Installing PHP7, Composer and CodeSniffer on Windows 10 (for VSCode)cakephpvscodewindowscomposerdevopsphpcs
Published onApril 20, 2015How to add JWT Authentication to a CakePHP 3 REST APIcakephprestapisecurityjwt
Published onSeptember 1, 2014How to set up PHPCS with CakePHP coding standard on Ubuntulinuxcakephpphpcsubuntu
Published onAugust 10, 2014How to create a new CakePHP application using FriendsOfCake app-templatecakephpcomposerdevops