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How to add JWT Authentication to a CakePHP 3 REST API

In this follow-up post to How to prefix route a CakePHP 3 REST API we will implement JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication.

Run in Postman

To prevent (yet another) partial/pointless JWT tutorial we will provide you with step-by-step instructions:

  • Describing a full blown, real world implementation
  • Usable as drop-in code for (almost) any CakePHP 3 application requiring API authentication
  • Spiced up with background information to help you understand the JWT concept

Important: please remember to use SSL/TLS encrypted connections for ALL API traffic to prevent man in the middle attackers from seeing and stealing the tokens.

During this tutorial you will:

  • Add some basic user data to the application
  • Enable password hashing
  • Add the JWT plugin
  • Update your prefix route
  • Enable JWT Authentication for API resources
  • Create the API UsersController
  • Implement user registration using the API
  • Sanity check your first JWT token
  • Implement JWT token requests
  • Test JWT protected API resources


To complete this tutorial you will need a fully configurable REST client like:

Before We Begin

This is part four of the CakePHP 3 REST API tutorial series:

  1. How to build a CakePHP 3 REST API in minutes
  2. How to use a CakePHP 3 REST API
  3. How to prefix route a CakePHP 3 REST API
  4. How to add JWT Authentication to a CakePHP 3 REST API
  5. How to make your CakePHP 3 API produce JSON API
  6. How to use a CakePHP API as the data backend for Ember in 30 minutes

Before starting this tutorial either:

1. Introduction

The web is already filled with information about JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication so we will not duplicate it here but in a nutshell it allows authenticating users against a single token instead of the more commonly used username/password.

As a side effect our API will benefit from some (very cool) additional JWT functionality like:

  • No more need for sessions
  • No more need to protect our API against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
  • Support for granular security through the use of JWT scopes

2. Adding Users To The Application

Populate the database

Download this CakePHP database migration file to your config/Migrations directory.

Now run the following command inside your application's root directory to create the users table:

bin/cake migrations migrate

Generate the basic controller, entity, table and views

To prepare for testing "basic" HTML access generate the required controller, entity, table and views by running the following command inside your application's root directory:

bin/cake bake all Users

Configure Password Hashing

CakePHP 3 comes with a convenient PasswordHasher that will automatically encrypt user passwords using the very strong bcrypt hashing algorithm. To enable password hashing for your application make sure to add both the class and the method shown below to src/Model/Entity/User.php:

use Cake\Auth\DefaultPasswordHasher;

    protected function _setPassword($password)
        return (new DefaultPasswordHasher)->hash($password);


If things went well you should now be able to:

  • Browse to
  • Create a new user
  • See the created user with hashed password
Users index

3. Adding the JWT Plugin

Run the following command inside your application's root directory to composer install the JwtAuth plugin:

composer require admad/cakephp-jwt-auth

Now run the following command to make your application use the plugin:

bin/cake plugin load ADmad/JwtAuth

4. Updating The Prefix Route

The API prefix route created during the previous tutorial needs updating:

  • To enable the Api\UsersController for API usage
  • To connect custom action /register to standard CRUD Plugin action /add
  • To automatically create routes for the non-standard /register and /token actions

Pro tip: we connect the /register action so we can simply extend the CRUD Plugin add() method and benefit of already available logic like validation and response codes instead of having to reinvent the wheel.

Make sure to update the api prefix route in config/routes.php to resemble:

Router::prefix('api', function ($routes) {
    $routes->extensions(['json', 'xml']);
    Router::connect('/api/users/register', ['controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 'add', 'prefix' => 'api']);

5. Enabling JWT Authentication

To enable JWT Authentication for all API resources extend the src/Controller/Api/AppController.php file created during the previous tutorial with the following initialize method so the file looks similar to:

namespace App\Controller\Api;

use Cake\Controller\Controller;
use Cake\Event\Event;

class AppController extends Controller

    use \Crud\Controller\ControllerTrait;

    public function initialize()

        $this->loadComponent('Crud.Crud', [
            'actions' => [
            'listeners' => [
        $this->loadComponent('Auth', [
            'storage' => 'Memory',
            'authenticate' => [
                'Form' => [
                    'scope' => ['' => 1]
                'ADmad/JwtAuth.Jwt' => [
                    'parameter' => 'token',
                    'userModel' => 'Users',
                    'scope' => ['' => 1],
                    'fields' => [
                        'username' => 'id'
                    'queryDatasource' => true
            'unauthorizedRedirect' => false,
            'checkAuthIn' => 'Controller.initialize'


  • We use Memory based non-persistent storage for the authenticated user (instead of Cake's session based default)
  • FormAuthenticate MUST be included here or AuthComponent will not be able to validate the posted (non-JWT) JSON credentials during the /token action
  • By enabling queryDataSource the sub field in the JWT token will be used to query the database for user information (using the User model)
  • checkAuthIn makes user information available in all Controller beforeFilter() functions

Verify Authentication Is Enabled

To verify your API resources now actually require authentication query

Should return Status Code 401 (Unauthorized) with a JSON response body similar to:

    "success": false,
    "data": {
        "message": "You are not authorized to access that location.",
        "url": "\/api\/cocktails.json",
        "code": 401

6. Creating the API UsersController

We will now create a UsersController responsible for handling all authentication in the Api namespace:

  • Using standard AuthComponent allow logic to allow non-authenticated access to the /add and /token actions
  • Already containing all required use statements required later on

Create new file src/Controller/Api/UsersController with the following code:

namespace App\Controller\Api;

use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Network\Exception\UnauthorizedException;
use Cake\Utility\Security;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;

class UsersController extends AppController
    public function initialize()
        $this->Auth->allow(['add', 'token']);

Note: Auth-allowed actions MUST be set inside initialize() because we enabled the checkAuthIn configuration option.

7. Implementing API User Registration

How it works

User registration through the API does not require JWT authentication and is basically a matter of posting valid JSON data to the /add action in our UsersController so the CRUD Plugin can handle validation and creating the user record.

If the user is created succesfully a JSON 201 response (Created) will be returned with a response body containing:

  • The id of the new user
  • A token field containing the new user's JWT token
JWT primer: user registration

Create the /register action

Because the CRUD plugin normally only returns the id of the new record we will add the JWT token to the JSON response body by extending the add() method with some custom CRUD afterSave and serialize logic.

To implement user registration add the following add() method to src/Controller/Api/UsersController.php:

    public function add()
        $this->Crud->on('afterSave', function(Event $event) {
            if ($event->subject->created) {
                $this->set('data', [
                    'id' => $event->subject->entity->id,
                    'token' => JWT::encode(
                            'sub' => $event->subject->entity->id,
                            'exp' =>  time() + 604800
                $this->Crud->action()->config('', 'data');
        return $this->Crud->execute();

Note: even though this is not required we are adding the JWT exp claim to the token payload so the token will expire after one week, effectively forcing the user to request a new unique token using the /token action.

Important: your JWT token (and thus the user information) will NOT contain an id field if you choose to disable the queryDataSource option. This might might break code depending on the presence of an id field but is easily solved by manually adding the id field to the JWT token (below exp in the code above).

Verify User Registration

To verify your setup register a new user by posting JSON data to your API using:

  • URL
  • HTTP Method POST
  • Accept Header application/json
  • Content-Type Header application/json
  • Body data in (absolutely) correct JSON format
API Request Headers for register action

Should return Status Code 201 (Created) with a JSON response body containing the user id and JWT token similar to:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Mn0.q2chPMiKRzwrO3v48fi90HyJPHDLOXtwEKr7EcU3GPk"

8. Sanity Checking JWT Tokens

Now that you have received your first JWT token it might be a good time to verify that your token is valid by:

  • Browsing to
  • Pasting your token in the Encoded field
  • Replacing the secret value with the Salt value found in your config/app.php

If things went well you should see a green success message along with the user id and JWT exp claim as stored in the token: successful signature verification

9. Implementing JWT Token Requests

How it works

Users can request their JWT token by JSON posting their username and password to the /token action after which AuthComponent will use FormAuthenticate (and thus not JwtAuth) to validate the credentials.

If validation is successful a JSON 200 response (Success) will be returned with a response body containing the JWT token.

JWT primer: token request

Create the /token action

To implement token requests add the following token() method to src/Controller/Api/UsersController.php:

    public function token()
        $user = $this->Auth->identify();
        if (!$user) {
            throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid username or password');

            'success' => true,
            'data' => [
                'token' => JWT::encode([
                    'sub' => $user['id'],
                    'exp' =>  time() + 604800
            '_serialize' => ['success', 'data']

Verify Token Request

To verify your setup try requesting a token for the newly created user by posting JSON data to your API using:

  • URL
  • HTTP Method POST
  • Accept Header application/json
  • Content-Type Header application/json
  • Body data with username and password in (absolutely) correct JSON format
API Request Headers for token action

Should return Status Code 200 (Success) with a JSON response body containing only the JWT token similar to:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Mn0.q2chPMiKRzwrO3v48fi90HyJPHDLOXtwEKr7EcU3GPk"

10. Testing JWT Authentication

** Before you begin testing:** please be aware that some servers (like Apache) don't automatically populate $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] even when the Authorization header is set. Make sure to first follow these instructions if the tests below are not functioning as described.

How it works

When accessing an API resource that requires authentication the JWT Plugin will look for a token in the Authorization header and will validate it using the Salt value used by your application.

If validation is successful a JSON 200 response (Success) will be returned with application produced body.

JWT primer: authentication process


  • There is no need to create extra code, all JWT authentication logic is already present in the plugin
  • The JWT Plugin also supports passing the token as a query string parameter named _token (not described for brevity)
  • The Authorization header MUST contain a Bearer Token which is part of the OAuth V2 standard and should look like:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Mn0.q2chPMiKRzwrO3v48fi90HyJPHDLOXtwEKr7EcU3GPk

Verify Authenticated Access

To verify successful authentication is processed as expected retrieve the list of protected cocktails from your API by using:

  • URL
  • HTTP Method GET
  • Accept Header application/json
  • Authorization Header containing Bearer {YOUR-JWT-TOKEN}
API Request Headers for resources requiring authentication

Should return Status Code 200 (Success) with the familiar JSON cocktails response body:

    "success": true,
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Cosmopolitan",
            "description": "Vodka based"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Margarita",
            "description": "Tequila based"
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Mojito",
            "description": "Rum based"

Verify Unauthenticated Access

To verify unsuccessful authentication is processed as expected retrieve the list of protected cocktails by using the exact same query but this time removing the Authorization header.

Should instantly return Status Code 401 (Unauthorized) with a JSON response body similar to:

    "success": false,
    "data": {
        "message": "You are not authorized to access that location.",
        "url": "\/api\/cocktails.json",
        "code": 401

Additional reading

Hat tip to CakePHP Core Developer and JWT Plugin creator ADmad for helping improve this tutorial.