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How to maintain your personal Octostrap3 theme

Make sure you have created a personal fork of the Octostrap3 repository.

Add theme as a Git submodule

Add personal Octostrap3 theme as a Git submodule:

cd <path-to-repos>/octopress
git submodule add .themes/octostrap3
git add .gitmodules
git commit -m "Adding Octostrap3 as a Git submodule"
git push origin

Update theme

cd <path-to-repos>/octopress
cd .themes/octostrap3
git checkout master

Edit some files (see the Octopress theme documentation).

Install updated theme

Install updated theme (or it will not be used when when generating new pages):

cd <path-to-repos>/octopress
rake 'install[octostrap3]'

Generate pages using updated theme

Generate and deploy gh-pages using the updated theme:

cd <path-to-repos>/octopress
rake generate
rake deploy

Save updated theme

cd <path-to-repos>/octopress/.themes/octostrap3
git add .
git commit -m "Updating Octostrap3 theme"
git push origin

Update Git submodule

Point Git theme submodule to the latest version:

cd <path-to-repos>/octopress
git add .themes/octostrap3
git commit -m "Updating octostrap3 submodule"
git push origin